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Cohen Brand Management: Delivering Unimaginable Ideas and Big Dreams

Cohen Brand Management
My successes.

When Candice Cohen, Founder and CEO, of Cohen Brand Management, launched her business in the Summer of 2016, 她从来没有想到,在2021年,她会被选为商业促进局商业火炬奖的获得者, 这是BBB颁发给致力于诚信和道德商业实践的杰出组织的最负盛名的奖项. And, 她绝对不会想到能和世界上最知名的名人和VIP一起工作.

What do you do?

Corporately based in Charleston, SC, Cohen Brand Management is a full-service, international digital agency & marketing consultancy that supports small to mid-market enterprises. Candice的公司提供市场营销、销售和客户服务战略解决方案. Specific services Cohen Brand Management provides include SEO, pay-per-click advertising, sales funnel automations, web development, logo design, social media management, systems management, digital products development, and brand development. Candice的服务还支持现场品牌制作项目,她担任创意总监和品牌经理. She's directed projects in several states across the US and virtually. 

Candice explains how Cohen Brand Management is unique, "We lead with artificial intelligence, online digital marketing products for memberships, 并通过我们的CBM商务中心免费为小企业提供独家的在线营销工具. 我们竭尽全力确保我们的客户在我们服务的一年内占据当地市场的主导地位. We help pros, coaches, 行业专家通过数字化自动化解锁品牌权威, brand development, growth hacking techniques, and premium SEO services. Our approach is comprehensive."

Candice Cohen, Founder and CEO, of Cohen Brand Management

"With an increased interest in social media marketing, 我们不要忘记在线下和网上建立真正的商业关系. Joining top-tier organizations like SCORE, BBB, your local chamber, and others is what keeps my account list healthy & full. Marketing your business doesn't have to be cumbersome. Find where your audience hangs out and place yourself there."

What inspired you to start your business?

在为大型传统公司工作了几年之后,坎迪斯决定成立自己的经纪公司 & digital marketing agencies. 坎迪斯发现自己很沮丧,因为她无法为客户提供一个完整的营销解决方案. Candice explains, “我越来越沮丧,因为我无法解决客户的全部问题. 我只能为他们提供一些精选的服务,比如一个营销清单,或者只是一个千篇一律的网站. Because of my business development experience, 我对迅速获得客户很有信心,所以我所需要的就是组建一个比我更有才华的制作团队,开始我自己的代理公司. In fact, my very first client is still a great client today!"

How SCORE helped.

While already successfully leading her established business, 坎迪斯于2021年4月联系了SCORE查尔斯顿,寻求帮助,以扩大她在南卡罗来纳州的业务,就像她在美国其他地区所做的那样. SCORE为有抱负的企业家提供免费的指导服务和教育服务, new business start-ups, and businesses that have been operating for any length of time.


Candice Cohen receiving award

“Barry Blake是我的认证皇冠现金官网导师,他帮助我认识到自己的竞争优势和与众不同之处. Barry is the reason 2021 is the year of extreme leveling up. Barry的工作非常出色,I期待他的持续支持."

Candice的客户中至少有80%是美容/水疗/家庭服务领域的基本工作者,他们受到疫情的严重影响. Candice explains, “我们必须跳出常规,思考如何为一些客户创造额外的收入来源. In one case, 我们帮助推出了一个新创建的美容系列,赚了18美元,000 of sales in the first month of her retail store being closed down. 我们还帮助其他客户创建会员资格和在线服务,每月可额外创收1万至5万美元." Candice continues, " With new COVID guidelines weighing heavily on many of our clients, 我们更加强调明确的信息,以支持新常态,从而使我们的客户更容易开展业务."

What's great about my mentor?

Candice与认证SCORE导师Barry Blake保持一致,Barry Blake作为志愿者服务超过12年. Barry's professional experience includes launching, marketing, 将一家刚起步的饮料公司发展成为价值数百万美元的全国性品牌. Barry的市场营销和推广专业知识是Candice的自然组合,Candice解释得更多, "Barry is a realist. He reminds me that the finest details make the biggest difference. 因此,我不断寻找方法来进一步扩展我的技能,推动我的业务向前发展. From a networking perspective, 我更积极地参加了几个地方商会和其他商业协会. I've already begun building more opportunities in South Carolina. 我也一直在更新我的Hubspot和Google认证,同时定期提供团队和公开培训,以进一步证明我的合法性."


分享她未来的发展计划,并反思她作为企业主的岁月, Candice shared, "We've been fortunate to experience incredible growth. We plan to open three new offices in the next two years. We are strategically looking closely at LA, NYC, and TX. 我的目标是成为南卡罗来纳州最大的雇主之一。”. Candice continues, "While it's worked out, if I could do it all over again, I would have built my idea backward. In hindsight, 我认为,在组建大型团队之前,你应该先让公司达到一个特定的收益点. 概念验证和拥有一台运转良好的机器非常重要. Much of this can be done through systems and automation. This allows you to stand tall and confident as the company leader, so when you bring in your team, 文化和基础已经为他们的蓬勃发展奠定了基础."

What have you learned from your experiences as a business owner?

"As a business owner, 我非常自豪地知道,我们的努力有助于为客户的业务创造收入. 这使他们能够过上富有成效的生活,照顾他们的家庭,并对世界产生更大的影响," Candice elaborates. “我也很幸运能与国内一些最优秀、最精明的企业主合作. 我在纽约的宾夕法尼亚俱乐部和美国最大的投资公司之一的老板一起制作了一些项目. 我曾在全国性的音乐和体育颁奖活动上与客户密切合作,并与一大批名人和商业大亨建立了联系. Being in this industry has allowed me to meet the coolest celebrities, the coolest being Whoopi Goldburg, Cicely Tyson, Beyonce, P.Diddy, Vanessa Williams, Chris Tucker, Roland Martin, Lamman Rucker, and Lyriq Bent, just to name a few."

3751 Robert Grissom Parkway, Suite 102
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 918-1079

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